Railroading with
The Märklin Diary of a 44 yr old Kid

Current Layout

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I am working out a number of technical and artistic issues on this test bed. Currently, there are two distinct levels, or layers, with a single ramp serving trains going up or going down.

These levels are connected electrically, but this is because I am using a single Delta unit and a single 30VA transformer. I have recently acquired an Intellibox, 2 boosters and 3 transformers. When I have figured out how the IB works, there will be three electrically isolated sections; the lower level, the upper level and the outer loop and ramp.

I have not decided what will appear on the brown upright panels on two sides of the table; a printed backdrop, a hand painted scene or perhaps both in combination. I intend to build a mountain side and a tunnel with access through the covered portion of the panel. You never know when something will derail.

The table is comprised of the ubiquitous 3/4in (19mm), 4x8ft (1.2x2.4m), plywood held up with simple 2x4in (25x100mm) lumber legs. An additional foot (300mm) was simply tacked on to each side when I wanted a larger outer loop. The final size being 5x9ft.

Lower Level

Upper Level

There are three 'styles' of piers in use; raw wood - 50x75mm, primed wood - 50x75mm and painted wood - 25x75mm. The tallest are 102mm in height. I have several sizes of each that are used as the track is laid to hold it up. The grey paint is supposed to suggest concrete and the black paint is rust inhibited painted steel.

If you look closely at the pictures below, you should see cross beams, supported by the piers, holding up the upper layer. If you are ever in New York City, take a trip on the Cross Bronx Expressway; you will see similar supports and a dozen other styles. There are also a mix of cylindrical posts made of concrete or steel of various colors; grey, black and green. I hope to take some pictures of these structures and post.

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